Saturday, April 30, 2011

What Do You Mean You’re Not Monogamous?

An article I ran into on Autostraddle- it's one person's perspective on polyamory. I realized that my fav tv shows make a lot less sense when I don't assume that monogamy is the most ethical configuration...


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great porn video! ;-)

Video about ladies watching porn here.
This is very relevant to last week's discussion.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Legal Definitions of:

Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Unlawful sexual intercourse
Sexual Harassment


No surprising

How colleges get around Title IX

A Sick Society

A sick society
turns women's bodies into problemns to be solved
cuz anorexia ain't sexier
and bulimia ain't dreamier
therefore, next time you count calories, don't forget
to count the thousands of years that women's suitors
have thought that cellulite was quite allright and
were ready to embrace abundance- Aya de Leon