Saturday, March 12, 2011

11 year old Gang Raped: How Our Society Plays the Blame Game

An 11 year old girl was gang raped in a small Texas town and the first few news reports of the vicious attack included local observations that the girl dressed older than her age, wore a lot of makeup, and hung out with teenage boys on the playground. A hospital worker fretted, since she knew several of the defendants (including a couple of star basketball players for the town's high school), that it was horrible that these men would have to live with this for the rest of their lives. Another man thought both parties needed to pray and turn to God. Excuse me, but where is the concern for the victim? Why portray her as someone who was asking to be raped? Jezebel and CafeMom question why the media and the town's inhabitants are treating this devastating story in absolutely the wrong way. Nobody asks to get raped. Having women dress less provocatively is not the solution to rape.!5780022/media-blows-it-with-pathetic-gang-rape-coverage

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