Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Consciousness-Raising: A Radical Weapon

Hey y'all.
    An article offering a little bit of insight into "Consciousness-Raising."



  1. I really enjoyed this article. It gave me a lot of insight about what we are doing. It is easy to take an academic class and learn about theories of women's studies or the history of the struggle, but it does not really mean anything if we can't recognize our struggles in our everyday life. We have to understand that we are fighting an individual fight, and then we can reach out to others.

  2. What I liked about this article was its honesty. Women do bitch. We do compete with each other. Feminism is mesh, a field with many shades of gray. It's also a process. This article exposed a lot of sticky ends about what it takes to be active as a feminist and what it takes for a woman to feel comfortable in her own skin.
